news:rewired folder is running its digital journalism conference news:rewired at MSN UK, Victoria, London today.

The event is focused on the latest tools, techniques and tips on how to produce the best digital journalism, with innovative case studies and discussions around best practice.

If you’d like to follow events from afar we will be tweeting from @newsrewired using the #newsrw hashtag.

You can see the full agenda at this link, and our livebloggers will also be covering the sessions on the event website.

What's happening?

Jay Lauf, publisher of 'digitally native' business news site Quartz, will deliver a practical keynote

The opening session is on how to deal with breaking news, with speakers including the social media editor of BBC News, web editor of ITV News, an expert on crisis mapping from Ushahidi, and the founder of NewsWhip Spike, a tool that can be extremely useful when it comes to monitoring social.

There will also be practical sessions on searching social media and online video journalism.

Workshops are looking at LinkedIn for journalists, mapping, verification and data-driven newsrooms.

There will be a lightning round showcasing interesting technology companies to watch, and a lean start-up session looking at new and fast-moving journalism businesses.

In a session called 'breaking article boundaries', the final panel will look at some recent projects in multimedia journalism that have gathered much attention.

The events sponsors are Newswhip Spike, Zenrick, Tame, Outbrain, Scoopshot, Tableau, VoxPopMe, Shorthand, and Leeds Trinity University.

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