The Chartered Institute of Public Relations has appointed Charlotte Lindsay as editor of Profile magazine and online magazine, Profile Extra.

The role as editor involves commissioning articles for the magazine and website, writing news and articles and interviewing people within the PR industry, as well as attending various events and industry awards.

"The biggest challenge, and one of the greatest attractions of the job for me, is the planned relaunch of the Profile Extra website in March or April next year. I'm building up the content so there will be new material going online every week," Charlotte told

Prior to joining Profile magazine as editor, Charlotte worked in legal publishing, as deputy editor at Inform.

Charlotte started her publishing career at Wiley, working on a fortnightly medical publication.

As advice for those carving out a career in journalism, she said that a 'good grasp of the English language is essential'.

"Persevere with the applications and make the most of your background because there are a number of routes in to the industry. You don't need to have a qualification in journalism or English", she said, adding that she was welcomed in to the medical publishing field because she has a degree in biology.

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