National Union of Journalists website
Eight candidates are in the running for the editorship of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) magazine, The Journalist.

With a £51,000-a-year salary and the chance to revamp the magazine for the digital age, who's the best journalist for the job?

Voting for union members is now open and until it closes on November 6, is asking for your questions for the candidates.

We've created a special section of our bulletin board for you to quiz the would-be editors on their plans for the union title and why they should take the helm. Several have already agreed to take part in the debate and answer your questions.

"Having been party to some very interesting debates about where the NUJ's magazine The Journalist should be headed under its pending new editorship, I felt I needed to know more about the candidates and that some of the debates surrounding this appointment deserved a wider audience than just current NUJ members," wrote managing director John Thompson in an introduction to the debate.

"While non-members may not be able to vote, many candidates state they wish to use The Journalist to reach potential new members and it struck me that an open online debate might just be one way to get that particular ball rolling."

Will they build a Journalist website? How will they attract new members? Add your question by posting a new topic on the forum at this link or by emailing us using the contact details below.

You can follow the responses online or by subscribing to an RSS feed.

Full details of the candidates Tim Arnold, Mark Watts, Michael Cross, Richard Simcox, Christine Buckley, Frank Morgan, David Tilley and Steve Usher can be found on the NUJ website.

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