Jeremy Dear
The general secretary of the National Union of Journalists Jeremy Dear has announced he will not stand for re-election after 10 years at the head of the union.

Dear, who was the union's youngest ever leader when he was elected in 2001, was also the first NUJ leader to be elected to the TUC General Council in 2002. He was re-elected as general secretary at the union in 2006.

Before his 10 year stint as general secretary Dear was the union's president and also national organiser for newspapers.

According to a release from the union, his election as general secretary saw the union adopt "a more militant, active stance as members sought to tackle low pay, job cuts and win back collective bargaining rights".

"Jeremy's passion and dedication to the union he loves, his unrivalled commitment to trade unionism and his sheer energy have made him a general secretary the NUJ can be truly proud of," Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ deputy general secretary said in a release.

"Jeremy is leaving the union in fighting shape ready and able to carry forward his work and legacy as the voice for journalists and journalism throughout the UK and Ireland."

Dear said today that being elected general secretary was the proudest moment of his life.

"Throughout all my years as a lay activist or a full time official I have never failed to be inspired by the spirit of the NUJ members and their continued commitment to fight for social and economic justice.

"My deep thanks go to all those – staff, reps and members – who do so much to make the NUJ the fantastic union it is and whose friendship and solidarity I have been fortunate to share over the years".

When asked what qualities his replacement would need, Dear said it is key they understand that they are there to serve the members of the union.

"The members make the decisions and you're job is to carry out those decisions."

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