Samuel Barton, former deputy chief sub-editor of Property Week, has been appointed as Caspian Publishing's production editor.

In his new role, which he started last week, he will oversee the production of Real Deals magazine, a pan-European publication for the venture capital and private equity industry.

"Knowing the subject matter is crucial if one is to edit copy quickly and efficiently, as well as to contribute ideas," he told "So learning the private equity market is one of the first challenges [facing me]."

After finishing a computer course at City University, he tried to establish himself as a freelance sub-editor. "This was difficult, as I had no training or journalism qualifications. Fortunately I had one or two contacts and managed to get some shifts from people (to whom I am eternally indebted) who decided to take a punt on me."

He later joined Property Week as an entry-level sub-editor in May 2000, then slowly progressed up the ranks to senior sub-editor and then deputy chief sub-editor. However a year later he left Property Week to pursue a brief career in music but returned in 2003.

His advice to fellow sub-editors is to learn from your mistakes. "Pay attention to what changes other people (especially the editor and chief sub!) make to copy."

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