Editors of online magazines are now eligible to enter the annual awards of the British Society of Magazine Editors.

For the first time this year the awards will include an online category for individual titles published on the internet either as brand extensions or as standalone titles. The judges will use a range of criteria to assess entries including ease of navigation, number of page impressions, frequency of updating, design, speed of access to pages and the degree of interactivity.

Joining the BSME Chairwoman and Editor of Elle Fiona McIntosh on the judging panel will be: Campaign media editor Anna Griffiths, JWT art director Robin Harvey, 365 Corp publishing director Danny Kelly and Ideal Home editor-in-chief Isobel McKenzie.

Award entry costs £70.50 for non-members which includes membership of the Society until the end of the year. Closing date for entries is 12 September 2000.

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