Paul Theroux wrote about Hunter in the Guardian on Saturday. Typically well-crafted observations about Hunter and his work. And this:

"He quickly realised true objectivity was not possible and that he was at least as important as whatever he was writing about. To this personal intrusion he gave the name gonzo journalism."

Except he didn't. Sorry to be pedantic, but the term was actually coined by Hunter's friend and journalist Bill Cardoso.

More news from dotJournalism:
February is the biggest month for death
Gonzo journalist shoots himself
Gonzo legend prints web columns

Comment? Email me.


From SC, 16:45 13 March 2005

Yes, Theroux, is sloppy at times, Wikipedia even more so, is that your source for this?

Best politicalĀ blog in the US is Kevin Drum's Political AnimalĀ of He's on vakay till Tuesday.

I just ate a napkin.

From Jemima Kiss, 13:26 15 March 2005

My source for spotting Theroux's sloppy bit was actually my brain; I remembered that Bill coined it.

Wikipedia is not a cast-iron source of information, but the best source of information on Bill Cardoso was down because of heavy traffic after Hunter's suicide. So I figured it was better to link to a mention of Wikipedia entry than nothing at all; any smart arses out there can write the Bill Cardoso entry if they fancy.

Hope the napkin's not repeating on you.

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