Members of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) will decide in April whether the UK's professional photographers should have a dedicated representative.

Around 2,100 union members are photographers and they are represented, along with journalists, by the industry sector in which they work; newspapers, books, freelance, broadcasting or PR. However, photographers have to deal with different problems and issues to journalists, and many feel that their interests would be better served by a specific officer.

"There are specific issues relating to photography, such as specialist kit, software, dealing with clients and keeping track of your work," said freelance photographer and NUJ member Molly Cooper.

"It's a particular gripe that photos get used without the photographer being told, and they can't always track where their work has been used."

However, while acknowledging that photographers have different needs Ms Cooper wasn't convinced such a move was necessary. The union already advises photographers on a lot of these issues such as how to caption work and protect copyright, and offers guidance on rates and terms of use.

Ms Cooper added that the existing NUJ Photography Group has already been able to represent the issues of photographers on an informal level.

"I'm not fundamentally opposed to a photographic organiser but we want this debated," she said.

Others are clearly in favour of more formal representation. Freelance photographer Andrew Wiard feels that the union does not do enough to try and recruit photographers.

"One thing that would begin to change this state of affairs - and would appeal to photographers if they thought the NUJ was taking them seriously - would be to have one representative responsible for their needs."

"There are 9-10,000 full-time professional photographers in the UK doing editorial, PR and corporate work for publication - and they are all eligible to join the NUJ," he said.

The NUJ's Annual Delegate Meeting (ADM) is being held in Scarborough from 7 to 10 April. Delegates will be asked to vote on a motion proposing the appointment of a photographic organiser within 18 months.

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