PA muscles into political news webUK-based news agency the Press Association (PA) has launched a new online parliamentary news service combining broadcast and wire reports with searchable archive footage.

Politics Today features live TV footage from the BBC Parliament channel and a video news archive. Users can search subtitles for keywords, or by using a script-to-text function.

The site also offers PA's own politics news feed and customisable email alerts on breaking news.

The service is available to organisations with a price determined by the number of individual subscribers. Target markets are corporate communication departments in the public and private sectors.

"Politics Today is essentially a monitoring product - it gives users the chance to monitor what is being said in Westminster that is of relevance to their company or organisation," said Ian Campbell, managing director of PA Business.

"Any monitoring product that offers swift and accurate retrieval of relevant information scores over products that take longer to deliver the same content. And this product, delivered online, is swifter than anything delivered by more traditional means."

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